Saturday, September 25, 2010

Google Analytics Training – One Day Seminar in Stansted, UK

I’ll be heading out to the UK next week to attend WSI’s Excellence & Innovation conference for their global internet marketing consultants. On Monday March 30, I’ll be conducting a one day workshop on Google Analytics. I am told we have 40+ registered attendees (the event is already sold out!) and I am really looking forward to this session.

We typically run a 2-day Google Analytics workshop and pace the material accordingly. So cramming everything in to one day is going to be a challenge. Don’t worry WSI consultants, I won’t cram too much – I’ll be selective :) . The other challenge I am going to address is the needs of a mixed audience: some beginners, some with working knowledge of GA, and others that are pretty GA savvy. I don’t have a perfect solution for this challenge, but having done a number of these online marketing and analytics workshops over the years, I think we have managed to figure out a way to run them effectively. We will ensure that at the end of the day everyone will leave with a lot of practical tips, step-by-step guides, and references on how to enhance their Google Analytics implementation, analysis, and consulting know-how.

The workshop agenda has been sent to the attendees but I am planning on a couple of extra sessions. I would appreciate your comments on what you want to see in these extra sessions. Either email me directly at (feras @ e-nor .com) or leave a comment on this post.

I am known for being a last minute guy :) , so me writing this post almost two weeks ahead of the event is almost unheard of! The first thing the folks in the office will say when they read this post is “are you feeling ok?” :)


PS. We also have an upcoming Google Analytics workshop in the San Francisco Bay Area, on June 17 & 18.

Technorati Tags: google analytics, seminar, training, workshop

Tags: google analytics, seminar, training, workshop

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