Saturday, October 2, 2010

Neworld: Facebook Credits, Google Instant, Priority Inbox & Calls, 16 Blogging Tips, Ping & Why Social Media Fails

FacebookNeworld: Facebook Credits, Google Instant, Priority Inbox & Calls, 16 Blogging Tips, Ping & Why Social Media Fails

As you know I post three to four articles a week at the Neworld Associates blog, specifically about social media and online marketing. At the end of most weeks I like to give a quick recap of what I have been writing over there. You may just think it’s worth checking out!

In the last 2 weeks my posts have included;

1. Facebook: You Can Check In But Never Leave

A look at some of the changes that are taking place with Facebook. Not only are they bringing in a subscribe option to follow (or stalk) people, but also a social bar and Facebook credits which could impact everything from Paypal to credit cards and even Ireland – as payments outside the US and Canada will be processed through their Dublin headquarters. Which could mean more jobs.

2. Google Instant: Faster Than The Speed of Type

Google Instant is revolutionary or so say its makers Google. I give a quick overview of the service. Having tried it last night for a few minutes I have to say its ok. Might take a bit of getting used to, but I actually thought it was slower!

3. 16 Tips for Starting a Business Blog Part 2

Thinking of starting a business blog? Then look no further, this was the second part of my 16 blogging tips on how to get a blog off the ground and stop yourself from going crazy trying to get traffic and content!

4. Why Social Media Projects Fail

Yep some social media projects fail and some of the fail for unbelievably stupid reasons. This includes slides of a study carried out amongst 563 European marketers. If you are involved in social and any of these have happened to you, for shame!

5. Ping: Apples new Social Network

Ping – its the Facebook Killer, no I mean Twitter Killer, nope Myspace killer, yep Myspace and and Spotify killer. Its going on a brutal murdering spree, mutilating the still warm corpses of these rival social networks. Or not. One or the other. I’m hedgeing my bets.

6. Gmail Priority Inbox & Gmail Calls

Two pretty nifty services from Google, one that prioritises your email by removing alerts and your subscriptions and dumping them in another ‘inbox’. It could so easily become another spam box also. This has implications for email marketing so worth investigating. Gmail calls – make calls from right in Gmail. Not available here yet, but would make a nice addition to maybe say some search engine giants new social network that is being launched later this year.

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View the original article here

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